The Book of Geomancer Wiki
Full Name:



The Monster-Morph

  • American (Human Form)
  • Japanese (Masterlord Akuma’s lieutenant)

The Dark Dozen

Shiftar is a member of the Dark Dozen, a group of people looking for power to make others suffer who Masterlord Akuma shapes into the adversaries Yasuiti Motomiya created as a training exercise in the Ninjak video game by tapping into the well of suspended disbelief.



Centuries ago in Ancient Japan, during a wondrous age when powerful magick ran loose that faded to myth even in the land where it happened, Shiftar and twelve lieutenants followed Masterlord Akuma in his quest for ultimate power, but, after decades of conflict, a small order of fighter-monks turned Akuma’s magicks against him and cast them out of reality itself.

After Denny Meechum solves the puzzle embedded in the Ninjak video game and finds himself transformed into Ninjak, Zeer, an envoy of Masterlord Akuma, sets out to revive the Dark Dozen by using wicked people looking for power to make others suffer.

Working alongside Ravenswing, Mentax, and Tengu, Shiftar enters into a partnership with Frankie Serrone, a New York Underworld don who hires them to perform an array of jobs, like safeguarding a drug shipment and assassinating three Federal witnesses. After Shiftar and the rest of the Dark Dozen capture their targets, Ninjak shows up to stop them, but Tengu hypnotizes the crowd that gathered around them and orders them to drown themselves in the East river, forcing Ninjak to save them while they escape.

The following evening, Ravenswing betrays Serrone when he orders him to kill their prisoners in secret instead of in public when, then, Ninjak shows up with X-O Manowar. During their battle, X-O Manowar destroys a Tickle Me Elmo doll that Ravenswing gave to Mentax and that causes Mentax to lash out with a psychic blast that renders everyone unconscious. By the time that Ninjak and X-O Manowar regain consciousness, Shiftar and the others have left.

After Ninjak defeats Akuma, Shiftar and the Dark Dozen return to their normal selves.
